Announcement of Opening Date for Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot

July 30, 2020

Announcement of Opening Date for Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot

Mobility Project Voucher Window Set to Open October 20, 2020

Opening date: October 20, 2020 at 9:00am (PT)

The Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot aims to accept Mobility Project Voucher Applications on October 20, 2020 starting at 9:00am PT. Applications will be processed and approved on a first-come, first-served basis. 

The Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot provides funding for the design and implementation of zero-emission carsharing, carpooling/vanpooling, bikesharing/scooter-sharing, innovative transit services, and ride-on-demand services in California's historically underserved communities. Up to $1 million is available per Mobility Project. 

Up to $20 million total is now available for Mobility Projects in 2020. Of the $20 million, up to $2 million is set-aside specifically for California Native American tribes.

We recognize that Californians are currently focusing on responding to the evolving health and economic crisis. Please understand that the timing of the application window is subject to change as the Program Administrator works to accommodate and respond to shifting circumstances.

For complete application submission instructions visit the "How" section of the Application Materials.

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CARB announced a grant solicitation of $17,000,000 as part of the Fiscal Year 2017-18 Low Carbon Transportation Investments and Air Quality Improvement Program Grant Solicitation for an administrator to implement the Clean Mobility Voucher Pilot Program.

The Clean Mobility Voucher Pilot Program, one of several Clean Transportation Equity Projects, is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative putting billions of cap-and-trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment -- particularly in disadvantaged communities. Funded by the cap-and-trade program through CARB, the Clean Mobility Voucher Pilot Program is intended to improve clean transportation access and to increase zero-emission and other clean mobility choices for disadvantaged and low-income communities.

The vision for this program is to streamline the grant application process and help smaller entities and communities with limited resources access grant funding, addressing a core recommendation of the Senate Bill 350 Low-Income Barriers Study for overcoming barriers for low-income and disadvantaged communities to access clean transportation and mobility options.

CALSTART, Inc. was selected as the Program Administrator through a competitive solicitation process.  The administrator team, including CALSTART, Shared Use Mobility Center, GRID Alternatives, and Local Government Commission, has developed a streamlined voucher application system to fund eligible car sharing, bicycle and scooter sharing, vanpool, ride-sharing, and other clean mobility options to benefit disadvantaged and low-income communities. An additional $20,000,000 has since been added to the program from Fiscal Year 2018-19 and Fiscal Year 2019-20, for a total of $37,000,000.


If you have questions or comments regarding this pilot project, please contact the Program Administrator.

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