Grant Opportunity for Underserved Communities - Outdoor Equity Grants


The Outdoor Equity Grants Program (OEP) provides program operation funding for outdoor access, including day or overnight trips from underserved communities to regional, state, national parks, tribal land, and other natural areas within California. OEP will fund program operating and transportation costs but will not fund capital projects. Applications are due by or before October 8, 2021.


  • ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: Public Agencies: Includes all local, state, and federal agencies. Examples include school districts and other public education agencies, cities and counties, joint powers authorities, open-space authorities, regional open-space districts, and other relevant public agencies. NON-PROFITS with 501(c)(3) status.
  • GRANT PERFORMANCE PERIOD: July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2023 is the current period for ELIGIBLE COSTS.
  • AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $19 million is available for competitive GRANTS statewide.
  • GRANT AMOUNT PER APPLICATION: Maximum grant request per COMMUNITY HOME BASE: $700,000 • Minimum grant request per COMMUNITY HOME BASE: $20,000.
  • There is no match requirement. 

For more information, please see below.