
CARB’s AQview 3.0 is Now Live!

CARB’s Community A ir Q uality View er ( AQview ) is an innovative cloud-based data management system for the public to access, visualize, analyze, and interpret air quality data for their own community-science driven initiatives. AQview is designed with simple, intuitive, and mobile-friendly interfaces. AQview currently houses monitoring data from all AB 617 communities and several Community Air Grant projects. The main features of AQview include a real-time PM2.5 map which is updated hourly, a time-series graphing tool for analyzing recent trends at multiple sites, as well as a high-performance data download tool to access the monitoring data. AQview provides robust assessments of data quality (especially from the sensor networks) to identify and flag any data records that appear questionable or invalid. With the most recent release of AQview 3.0, the platform has significantly expanded its capabilities, with data from independent sensors added to the map, a dynamic Data Catalog sum