
Showing posts from July, 2018

Say Hello to CARB's Environmental Justice (EJ) Team!

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is committed to prioritizing environmental justice throughout all our work. To achieve this goal, we coordinate with our divisions to incorporate an environmental justice perspective in all our programs.   We also engage with community members to provide them with the most complete information available about the air they breathe, and work with them to improve air quality in their neighborhoods.   We strive to have meaningful dialogue with the public throughout the decision-making process so that all Californians can enjoy their right to a healthy environment at school, work and home. Veronica Eady, Assistant Executive Officer for Environmental Justice, leads CARB’s EJ initiative and is building a talented team to help address the environmental concerns of our most impacted communities, especially those in disadvantaged and low-income communities. Our EJ Team is currently comprised of Ryan Atencio, Trish Johnson, Desirey...