
Community Air Grant Applications Accepted until November 1, 2024

  CARB releases Cycle 5 Request for Applications   Authorized by Assembly Bill (AB) 617 (C. Garcia, Chapter 136, Statutes of 2017), the California Air Resources Board (CARB) established the Community Air Protection Program (Program) to develop and implement a statewide strategy and implementation guidance, known as Blueprint 2.0 , to reduce emissions and exposures in communities heavily impacted by air pollution. AB 617 requires CARB to provide grants to community-based nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations for technical assistance , which helps build community capacity to support participation in the community air protection process. The Program also provides Community Air Grants (CAGs) to California Native American Tribal governments.   Blueprint 2.0, adopted by the CARB Board in October 2023, includes the use of CAGs as a key strategy in bringing Program benefits to communities overburdened by air pollution. CARB is pleased to announce that the application period is now open for the

Community Air Grants Draft RFA Cycle 5 Workshops

  Community Air Grants Draft RFA Cycle 5 Workshops this week! You are invited to the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) Community Air Grants Program (CAG)   Draft Request for Applications (RFA) Public Virtual Workshops scheduled for Tuesday, August 20th and Thursday, August 22nd from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. We would like your input on the Draft RFA for Cycle 5 that was released for public comment on July 19, 2024. We welcome written comments through August 25, 2024.   A third-party facilitator, simultaneous Spanish translation, and the same information will be presented at both workshops. You can register here for the August workshops. We look forward to seeing you at the workshops!   The Community Air Grants Team

Reunión Pública del Grupo de Trabajo de Jardineros sobre Motores Pequeños Todoterreno

  Conozca las nuevas reglas e incentivos para ayudar a comprar equipos eléctricos de jardinería La Junta de Recursos del Aire de California (CARB, por sus siglas en inglés) invita a los jardineros profesionales a participar en un grupo de trabajo para conversar sobre las actualizaciones recientes de las regulaciones de motores todoterreno pequeños que afectarán a los nuevos motores utilizados en equipos de jardinería. La reunión será en inglés, con traducción simultánea al español. Incluirá discusiones sobre las experiencias de los jardineros con equipos de cero emisiones, tecnologías de carga inteligente y programas de incentivos. Se anima a los jardineros profesionales a unirse al grupo de trabajo y participar en las reuniones virtuales trimestrales. Los detalles de la reunión se encuentran en el orden del día de la reunión . La próxima reunión virtual del grupo de trabajo de jardineros será en la siguiente fecha y hora: Fecha: 4 de septiembre de 2024 Hora: 5:30- 7:00 p.m. (h