Community Air Grants Draft Guidelines
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) announced the release for public comment of its draft guidelines for the Community Air Grants Program (Air Grants Program). The Air Grants Program is a part of CARB’s overall efforts to implement Assembly Bill 617. AB 617 established a community-based framework to improve air quality and reduce exposure to toxic air pollutants in California communities most impacted by air pollution. As an initial step toward building the capacity of California communities to participate in the implementation of AB 617, CARB developed the Air Grants Program. The grants will fund projects that allow eligible applicants to participate in the AB 617 process and to build their own capacities to become active partners with government to help identify, evaluate, and ultimately reduce exposure to harmful air emissions in their communities. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis. This is only a draft and CARB is requesting your comments on this dra...