
Showing posts from January, 2020

1-800-END-SMOG en Espanol

CARB anuncia que la línea 1-800-END-SMOG ahora tiene un saludo alternativo en espanol. Este es un paso necesario para priorizar la justicia ambiental en CARB y asegurarse de que se escuche la voz de cada miembro de la comunidad. CARB se compromete a comprometerse con los miembros de la comunidad y garantizar la participación de la comunidad en el desarrollo, implementación y aplicación de nuestras regulaciones ambientales. Crear una forma accesible para que todos expresen sus preocupaciones ayuda a fomentar esta participación significativa. Los vehículos con demasiados gases de escape son perjudiciales para la calidad del aire en California. Los autobuses y otros vehículos que se mantienen inactivos mientras corre el motor, en o cerca de las escuelas son perjudiciales para la salud, porque todos son susceptibles a los efectos de la contaminación del aire. La contaminación del aire es especialmente dañina para los niños ya que sus cerebros y pulmones aún se están desarrolla...

Job Opportunity-Community Engagement-Bay Area Air Quality Management District

The Community Engagement and Policy Division is seeking a manager to lead the Community Engagement Section, a highly motivated and talented team of community engagement specialists and public information officers. The Community Engagement Section is the Air District's main point of contact with the public and employs inclusive and equitable community engagement strategies to increase awareness, foster relationships and ensure opportunities for stakeholder participation in planning and decision-making. Staff particularly seek opportunities for those that have been historically excluded, discriminated against, under-represented, or under-resourced to participate and shape Air District decisions that impact their lives and improve public health. SALARY :  Hourly $66.95 - $81.38 Biweekly $5,356.20 - $6,510.49 Monthly $11,605.09 - $14,106.06 Annually $139,261.13 - $169,272.78 OPENING DATE : 01/30/20      CLOSING DATE : 02/21/20 05:00 PM  ...

Study of Neighborhood Air near Petroleum Sources (SNAPS) Community Meetings for Air Monitoring near Baldwin Hills

CARB hosts meetings to discuss short-list of potential SNAPS air monitoring sites near Baldwin Hills The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has initiated a project to better characterize air quality in communities near oil and gas extraction operations. This project, called the Study of Neighborhood Air near Petroleum Sources (SNAPS), includes several months of intensive air quality monitoring in each selected community. Baldwin Hills was selected as the second of four initial communities for SNAPS air monitoring. CARB will prepare an individual monitoring plan for each community to ensure local needs are incorporated. As we continue to prepare the monitoring plan for Baldwin Hills, we need input from local community members and other stakeholders. Please join us for one of two meetings as we discuss a short-list of potential monitoring sites, a health analysis overview, ways for community members to get involved in the study, and next...