Community Air Protection Program Blueprint & Recommended Communities Factsheet

Cleaning the air in California's communities

CARB is getting ready to finalize major aspects of the Community Air Protection Program and wants to hear from you. On September 27, the Board will consider approving the Community Air Protection Blueprint - a roadmap for how this new program will be carried out - and also consider staff's first community recommendations for focused action.

Program Blueprint 
CARB released the final proposed Blueprint on August 24, 2018. The Blueprint reflects feedback received throughout a 10-month public process. The document describes:

  • How community members and air districts will work together along with CARB to craft solutions
  • What CARB will do to work with communities and air districts to improve air quality in impacted communities statewide 
  • How communities will be selected for targeted clean air improvements
  • What will be included in community clean air plans
  • How air districts and communities will set up air pollution monitors
The Blueprint also outlines new actions that form CARB's vision of the Program. Together, these actions are designed to deliver clean air to communities, provide accountability and transparency, and promote a collaborative process. 

Recommended Communities
AB 617 also requires CARB to select communities heavily impacted by air pollution for additional focused actions. These actions include setting up community air pollution monitoring systems, developing community clean air plans focused on cutting emissions from local pollution sources, or both. 

Staff is recommending an initial selection of 10 communities, diverse in size and population. Actions taken in these initial communities will serve as a model for future efforts in other places as the Program grows over time. The communities face air pollution burdens from a range of sources, including: 
2018 Community Recommendations

How To Get Involved
CARB invites you to provide comments on the Blueprint and attend the September 27 board meeting in Sacramento or participate via webcast. 
  • Submit comments by September 24
  • Attend the meeting: if necessary the meeting may continue on September 28 at 8:30 am.
  • For more information, see the board agenda, available ten days before the meeting. 
To access the Blueprint, the Staff Report for Community Selection and to find more information about the Community Air Protection Program, visit or contact or