You're Invited to the September Board Meeting

The AB 617 Blueprint isn’t complete without your invaluable input & CARB wants to hear from you! Tune in or attend this Thursday’s board meeting to join the conversation about how the new community air protection program will be carried out. 

Attend the September 27 board meeting in Sacramento or tune in to have your voice heard as the CARB board considers the path forward on AB 617.

Learn about other state efforts to address environmental justice at a special resource fair taking place outside the board meeting! Staff from more than a dozen agencies will be on site to connect & share information about their work. 

Community Air Protection Program 
What is AB 617?
AB 617 requires new community-focused and community-driven action to reduce air pollution and improve public health in communities that experience disproportionate burdens from air pollutants. 
What is happening?
The California Air Resources Board will vote on AB 617 Community Air Protection Program requirements and select first year communities for community monitoring and/or community emission reduction programs. 

How can I participate? 
  • Submit comments by September 24th 
  • Attend the meeting: If necessary the meeting may continue on September 28th, at 8:30 a.m. For more information see the board agenda, available ten days before the meeting. 
  • Watch the meeting via webcast:

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