CARB host first-ever environmental justice resource fair

On September 27, 2018, the California Air Resources Board (CARB)  collaborated with over a dozen state agencies to host an environmental justice resource fair.  The fair ran during  the CARB Board meeting, which considered the AB 617 community selection recommendations.  As such, CARB expected a large number of community advocates and residents from across the state to attend.  

Throughout our community outreach, CARB heard from community residents and organizers about the challenges of attending the many workshops targeted at disadvantaged communities. This includes workshops on the various CARB programs, in addition to those conducted by other state agencies. 

Fourteen state agencies participated in the resource fair and provided information about their programs and projects.

·       California Air Resources Board – shared information on regulatory efforts by the Transportation and Toxics Division and the California Climate Investments (CCI) including the Low Carbon Transportation Incentives. You can find more information here:

·       California Department of Community Services and Development – provided information on the Low-Income Weatherization Program that offers single-family energy efficiency and solar PV at no cost to low-income households, and multi-family incentives, and the community solar pilot program. You can find more information here:

·       California Department of Pesticide Regulation – shared employer responsibilities booklets on Laws and Regulations protecting fieldworkers. You can find more information here:

·       California Department of Transportation – you can find more information here:

·       California Energy Commission – shared funding opportunities in energy innovation, clean transportation, energy efficiency in schools and ECA funding, employment opportunities, and ways to participate in the Energy Commission public processes. You can find more information here:

·       California Housing and Finance Agency – provided information on down payment and closing cost assistance for first time homebuyers who are low to moderate income. You can find more information here:

·       California Natural Resources Agency – provided a flyer on their Urban Greening program, and a fact sheet of the overview of all the agencies current and upcoming programs. You can find more information here:

·       California Public Utilities Commission – shared brochures on CPUC proceedings, their Consumer Programs, as well as their Vehicle Electrification Programs. You can find more information here:

·       Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery
·       Department of Toxic Substances Control – shared their SB 673 Community Workshop flyer regarding permit criteria for community protection. You can find more information here.

·       Office of Environmental Health and Hazard Assessment – shared information on CalEnviroScreen, an environmental health-screening tool used to identify communities that are disproportionately burdened by multiple sources of pollution, and have population characteristics that make the people more sensitive to the impacts of pollution. You can find the CalEnviroScreen 3.0 home page here:

·       San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District – you can find more information here:

·       State Water Resources Control Board – shared outreach materials on the drinking water guide, information on human rights to water, and a citizen’s guide to working with the Water Boards. You can find more information here:

·       Strategic Growth Council – shared fact sheets on the transformative climate communities program, the affordable housing and sustainable communities program, and CCI technical assistance program. You can find out more information here:

We hope to take advantage of these opportunities in the future to help make it easier for communities to connect with and learn about state programs.