Resource Fair-December 13, 2019
Starting at
8:30 on Friday, December 13th, the California Air Resources Board
(CARB) will hear the 2019
Community Recommendations and Selection Process for the Community Air
Protection Program. The Board will also hear an informational update on Environmental Justice research. During the Board
Hearing, CARB will also collaborate with community based organizations and sister agencies, on a resource
fair that will run concurrent with the Board Hearing. (Board Agenda here)
During the resource fair, CARB will share information on the California
Climate Investments, the Clean Mobility Options Program, Supplemental Environmental Projects
(SEP) (which allow community-based projects to be funded from a portion
of the penalties received during settlement of enforcement actions), monitoring
equipment, a demonstration of two components of the Technology Clearinghouse, AQView, and more.
Other state agencies, will also be sharing information about their
incentives and grants, including information on weatherization, urban greening, and
electrification projects available through those agencies. In addition, OEHHA will be
sharing information on CalEnviroScreen and bio-monitoring.
Last, but certainly not least, we also invited non-profits who have been successful partners in
year one of AB 617; to share the knowledge and expertise they gained through
the process.
The fair starts at 8:30 am and runs until 3:00 pm in the Cal EPA Headquarters
Building located at 1001 I Street, in Sacramento, California.
All the fair booths are there as a resource for all Californians living with disproportionate and cumulative pollution burdens. We hope you can make it.