RECORDING NOW AVAILABLE: EJ Storytelling Session July 9, 2020
The purpose of this platform is to provide a space for folks living in, and/or championing environmental justice communities, to share their stories in their own voice. We hope this endeavor will help governmental staff grow beyond trainings that focus on how to speak to people; rather than understand & appreciate the conditions of others’ lives. The quality of life for many people living in EJ communities is so intertwined with systemic racism that it is impossible to discuss EJ without allowing community to speak freely about how it has affected their communities' in the past, as well as how it continues to affect them today.
On July 9, the first in the series of “Storytelling from EJ Communities” will feature Dillon Delvo, Little Manila in Stockton, and LaDonna Willians from All Positives Possible in Vallejo. Dillon will speak on the history of the Filipino community’s marginalization in general, and in Stockton specifically. His story goes back 100 + years. LaDonna Williams will speak on historically black neighborhoods that have not been visible to government staff working with EJ communities. She’ll also speak on her experiences as an African American EJ advocate; and how agencies can do a better job of reaching those invisible African American communities