CARB Launches AB 617 Progress Tracking Tool – Looking for your feedback!
In March 2021, we launched our draft AB
617 CommunityHub
- an easy to navigate dashboard that provides information on selected
communities, monitoring programs, and community emissions reduction strategies. We are eager to hear from you and
continuously improve this tool to support community and program partner needs.
Please use the link on the front page of
the tool to provide feedback on the CommunityHub. The CommunityHub
will be updated as new information and data are available.
Assembly Bill 617 (AB 617) aims to reduce
exposure to air pollution and preserve public health by placing community
voices at the heart of decision making. The California Air Resources Board
(CARB) established the Community Air Protection Program (CAPP or Program) to work
with selected communities, air districts, and other agencies to reduce exposure
in the communities most impacted by air pollution.
Now in its fourth year, the AB 617 program
includes 15 diverse communities developing or implementing community emissions
reduction and/or community air monitoring plans.
As the Program evolves, CARB staff remain
focused on addressing and amplifying community needs and voices at every step
of the process. CARB staff are developing a range of tools to support community
strategy identification, capacity building, and transparency.
Visit the CommunityHub
to learn about various AB 617 communities, track progress of CARB regulatory,
incentive and enforcement strategies, status of community air monitoring, identify
community emissions reduction strategies, community air grants and more!