Public Work Group Meeting on June 23, 2021 for Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program



Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program (CMO) Public Work Group Meeting


Public Work Group on June 23, 2021

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) invites you to participate in a virtual public work group meeting to provide an update and discuss proposed changes to the Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program (CMO). CMO provides funding for the design and implementation of clean mobility projects in California's under-resourced communities.

During this work group, the CMO Program Administrator team and CARB staff will provide an overview of key program updates, introduce the program’s latest partner – the California Energy Commission, and propose a series of program changes to better support future applicants. This is an opportunity for stakeholders to provide their feedback on program improvements. Staff will be available to answer questions and receive stakeholder input.

The virtual public work group will be held on the following date and time.

Date:                June 23, 2021
Time:                10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
Location:          Webinar/Teleconference

Please use the link below to join the Zoom webinar. Pre-registration is not required to participate.

Zoom Webinar

The agenda and any additional materials will be posted in advance of the work group on the Low Carbon Transportation Investments and AQIP Meetings and Workshops webpage.

For questions or additional information about the work group, please contact Ava Yaghoobirad.


The Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program (also known as Clean Mobility Options or CMO), is one of several Clean Transportation Equity Projects within the Low Carbon Transportation Investment portfolio, is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment – particularly in disadvantaged communities.

The vision for the CMO is to streamline the grant application process and help smaller entities and communities with limited resources access funding as well as application and project implementation assistance. In addition, CMO supports transportation projects that meet community transportation needs as identified by residents of the community the project would benefit. These elements address priority recommendations of the Senate Bill 350 Barriers Study for overcoming barriers for low-income, disadvantaged, and tribal communities to access zero-emission transportation and other clean mobility choices.

The program administrator team, which includes CALSTART and the Shared Use Mobility Center (SUMC) in partnership with the Local Government Commission, has developed a streamlined voucher application system to fund eligible community transportation needs assessments and zero-emission mobility projects such as carsharing, bikesharing, vanpooling, ride-on-demand services, and innovative transit services to benefit disadvantaged communities as well as eligible tribal governments and affordable-housing in low-income communities.

In 2020, CMO’s first year, a total of $21.15 million was awarded to eligible California nonprofits, local and tribal governments, and transit agencies. CMO administered two voucher application windows: $1.15 million toward Community Transportation Needs Assessments, and $20 million toward Mobility Projects.   

Funding and timing for 2021 application opportunities have not been announced. Sign up to stay up to date on future funding and other program opportunities.

For more information about Low Carbon Transportation Investments, please visit the Low Carbon Transportation Investments and Air Quality Improvement Program webpage.