Make Your Citizen Science Project Count: Strategies to Produce Quality Data (Sept 15)
Wednesday, September 15
1-2 pm ET
Citizen science encompasses a wide variety of kinds of projects that produce data — from community science activities to public participation in scientific research. A goal of the scientific process is to produce unbiased, transparent, and reproducible data, regardless of who is doing the work and when it is occurring. A quality assurance project plan, or project plan, provides the framework to produce these type of data, increasing the chance they can used for their intended purpose and maximum impact. Join this webinar to learn how citizen science groups have successfully integrated quality assurance approaches into their projects to help answer their community’s environmental and public health questions.
Jill Carr
Coastal Data
Scientist @Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Partnership
Brian Magi
Professor of Atmospheric Sciences @UNC Charlotte
Member of the
Board of Directors, CleanAIRE NC
Sergio S.
Coordinator @Alabama Water Watch
Dirk Felton
Scientist IV @New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Moderator: Nora
Quality Assurance
Chemist @US Environmental Protection Agency
The US
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) works to protect public health and the
environment. This webinar was supported by EPA’s Office of Research and
Development (ORD). ORD is the scientific research arm of EPA. Its leading-edge
research informs Agency decisions and supports the emerging needs of EPA
stakeholders, including the Agency’s state, tribal and community partners.
Before the
webinar, check out US EPA’s Quality
Assurance Handbook for Citizen Science Projects for step-by-step guidance
on how to create a quality assurance project plan for your next citizen science