Virtual Public Workshop: Help Build More Sustainable and Equitable Communities

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Virtual Public Workshop: Help Build More Sustainable and Equitable Communities

The California Air Resources Board (CARB or the Board), in collaboration with partner State agencies, invite you to participate in a virtual public workshop that aims to continue advancing work to help build more sustainable and equitable communities through State-level policy and planning work to affect transportation, land use and housing options in California. This discussion is intended to contribute to CARB’s work in a number of areas including, the 2022 Report on the Implementation of the Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act (2022 SB 150 Report), the 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan Update, as well as State interagency efforts.

The State’s strategy to prevent the negative impacts of climate change calls for curbing the overall number of drive-alone miles completed daily on California’s roadways. As part of these efforts, CARB and partner State agencies are exploring further strategies to reduce the amount of driving where possible, increase accessibility to important destinations, and make travel by clean transportation options such as public transit, carpooling, walking, biking, and shared mobility services more viable and attractive options for getting people where they need and want to go.

This initial public workshop provides the public with an opportunity to learn more about and share input on key questions related to future policies to reduce the amount of driving.

Date:                Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Time:                 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Call-In #:           1 (636) 651-3185
Passcode:         522431


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to access the workshop by computer or by telephone.

More Information


Achieving emission reductions from transportation is critical to meeting the State’s climate and air quality goals.  Transportation sector GHG emissions-reducing measures include low carbon fuels, cleaner vehicles, and strategies to promote sustainable communities and improved transportation choices that result in curbing the growth in vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Under the Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act or SB 375, regional metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in California develop Sustainable Communities Strategies (SCS), or long-range plans, which align transportation, housing, and land use decisions toward achieving GHG emissions reduction targets set by CARB. The development and implementation of SCSs are designed to reduce per capita GHG emissions. This is partially accomplished through reductions in per capita VMT.

In 2017, the Legislature adopted Senate Bill 150, which requires that CARB, in consultation with MPOs and affected stakeholders, submits to the Legislature a progress report every four years on California’s Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act that documents progress made by each metropolitan planning organization in meeting the regional greenhouse gas emission reduction targets set by the state board. The progress report includes changes to greenhouse gas emissions in each region and data-supported metrics for the strategies utilized to meet the targets. The progress report also includes a discussion of best practices and the challenges faced by the metropolitan planning organizations in meeting the targets. The second progress report is due to the Legislature in September 2022.

To learn, more about the about the progress to date and related programs, visit:


If you have questions about the workshop, please email

If you require a special accommodation or language needs for any of the following: 

  • An interpreter to be available during the workshop;
  • Having documents available in an alternate format (i.e., Braille, large print) or another language;
  • A disability-related reasonable accommodation.
Please contact as soon as possible, but no later than 10 business days before the scheduled event. TTY/TDD/Speech to Speech users may dial 711 for the California Relay Service.