
Showing posts from March, 2022

Accepting nominations and applications for new CARB Research Screening Committee members

  Accepting nominations and applications for new CARB Research Screening Committee members Nominations due April 8, 2022 Applications due April 29, 2022 The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is seeking to fill six positions on CARB’s Research Screening Committee (RSC). The Research Screening Committee is an eleven-member committee that provides robust scientific peer review for CARB’s research projects. CARB is seeking nominations and applications from members of the public with expertise in the following area(s): Agriculture Air emissions measurement, monitoring and modeling Big data analytics Climate science and impacts Community-based research Economics, including behavioral and public health economics Environmental equit...

Recordatorio: Sesión de desarrollo de capacidades de evaluaciones de riesgos para la salud de CARB: Parte 2 el 29 de marzo

   La División de transporte y tóxicos (TTD por sus siglas en ingl és ) de la Junta de recursos del aire (CARB por sus siglas en ingl és ), está planeando dos sesiones de seguimiento de la sesión de desarrollo de capacidades de evaluaciones de riesgos para la salud (HRA por sus siglas en ingl é s) que se llevó acabo el  14 de diciembre de 2021 . La primera de ellas continuará con una introducción a las HRA. La segunda sesión, que se llevará a cabo en mayo de 2022, pretende actuar como un foro para discutir posibles mejoras en el proceso de evaluación de riesgos para la salud.   Las HRA son utilizadas por una variedad de agencias gubernamentales para evaluar los impactos potenciales en la salud de las emisiones contaminantes del aire. Esta herramienta se usa a menudo para ayudar a informar a los tomadores de decisiones y determinar si se deben tomar medidas para reducir las emisiones y sus impactos asociados. Por esta razón, CARB está organizando una segunda sesi...

Reminder: CARB Health Risk Assessment Capacity Building Session: Part 2 on March 29

The California Air Resources Board (CARB), Transportation and Toxics Division (TTD), is planning two follow-up sessions to the Health Risk Assessment (HRA) Capacity Building Session held  December 14, 2021 . The first of these will continue an introduction to HRAs. The second session, which will be held in May 2022, is intended to act as a forum to discuss potential improvements to the health risk assessment process. Concentration Isopleths from Dispersion Model   HRAs are used by a variety of government agencies to evaluate the potential health impacts of air pollution emissions. This tool is often used to help inform decision makers and determine whether actions should be taken to reduce emissions and their associated impacts. For this reason, CARB is hosting a second capacity building session to better equip attendees to understand the uses of HRAs and the significance of information they provide in decision‑making at various levels of government. Meeting Informat...

EPA Region 9 EJ Resources and Opportunities Newsletter

                                    Funding and other Opportunities EPA Environmental Justice Grants for Tribal Public Participation Project $1.6 million in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding to support Tribal government efforts to establish or modify programs on environmental justice water and air quality issues. EPA is committed to assisting federally recognized Tribes in building capacity to establish public participation, community involvement, education, and communication systems to engage with tribal members and others living on tribal lands, as noted in the EPA Policy on Environmental Justice for Working with Federally Recognized Tribes and Indigenous Peoples .    Closing Date: Thursday, May 19, 2022   To learn more about the pre-app...