CARB now accepting research concepts & comments through June 15, 2022 for fiscal year 2023-2024 funding



Now accepting research concepts and comments for fiscal year 2023-2024

Comments accepted through June 15 will be considered for 2023-2024 funding 


En Español

CARB fulfills its mission to protect public health and the environment by relying on robust science. Each year CARB funds scientific research to guide policy by setting research priorities that are guided by program needs as well as public input. Public input is collected through various mechanisms including the annual research concept and comment survey and public meetings to discuss priorities and get further input.  CARB is accepting research comments and concepts through our annual survey. The final date to submit concepts in order to be considered for funding year 2023-2024 annual research will be June 15, 2022. Any concepts or comments provided within the last year will be considered in this year’s research planning. 

We have created a video that summarizes information on CARB’s Research Program and the comment and concept collection process.

Watch Video

To access the survey, please follow the link below or access it through the research concept collection portal.

Take Survey

For more information about CARB’s Research Program, please go to our website.

If you would like to receive updates and notices for public meetings by email, subscribe to our listserv and select the “Research Planning” option from the list of topics. 


The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has a robust Research Program that is designed to be responsive to agency priorities, emerging topics, and community, and stakeholder input. Each year, CARB initiates the annual research planning process by collecting research comments and concepts from the public. The concepts and ideas that are submitted help to inform CARB’s priorities for supporting future research. 

CARB uses a survey to collect both comments and concepts from the public on topics they would like CARB’s Research Program to address. The comment option provides a way to submit research questions and concerns related to air quality, sustainable transportation and communities, and climate change. These comments can be more open ended and be submitted by members of the public who feel their local community concerns could be addressed by CARB’s research program.  

Community and academic researchers can submit more detailed research concepts on the various topics that the CARB Research Program focuses on. 

After the comment/concept collection period concludes, CARB will review all research concepts to inform the projects that CARB will fund in fiscal year 2023-2024. Note that the CARB Research Program funding is limited and only a small subset of projects are funded each year. Project comments/concepts that align with the Triennial Strategic Research Plan for fiscal years 2021-2024 are more likely to be developed into full projects. We welcome you to review the Triennial Plan to gain a better understanding of our program goals and priorities. A FAQ/summary can also be found at the Proposed Triennial Strategic Research Plan and Research for Fiscal Years 2021-2024 website.

The final date to submit concepts in order to be considered for funding year 2023-2024 annual research will be June 15, 2022.