Zero-Emission Truck Regulation—Advanced Clean Fleets—Opportunity to Share Your Thoughts


The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) continues its work cutting emissions from polluting trucks, especially those that run through neighborhoods. At its October 27, 2022 public hearing, the Board considered staff’s proposed Advanced Clean Fleets regulation, which would accelerate the widespread addition of zero-emission vehicles, including medium- and heavy-duty vehicles and light-duty package delivery vehicles. CARB invites everyone interested in the proposed Advanced Clean Fleets regulation to read and comment on the latest proposed changes—which are available on the Regulatory Documents page under the “Hearing Action and Supplemental 15 Day Notices” section. The comment period ends on April 7 and the Board will consider final approval of this proposal at its public hearing on April 27-28, 2023. The proposed regulation would require certain fleets to add zero-emission vehicles starting in 2024 and would set a date for an end to the sale of medium- and heavy-duty internal combustion engine vehicles in California, like those that run on diesel or gasoline. 

At the October public hearing, the Board directed CARB’s Executive Officer to consider and seek public comment on any other needed changes to the proposed regulation. Staff will respond in writing to comments received during the formal comment period. 

Zero-emission vehicles include battery-electric and fuel cell electric vehicles; these vehicles produce no tailpipe emissions, reduce brake wear, and, in general, have lower life cycle greenhouse gas emissions compared to diesel and other combustion fuels. In contrast, in 2021, medium- and heavy-duty diesel trucks contributed 72 percent of the state’s on-road vehicle oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions which are major contributors to smog-causing, ground-level ozone pollution in California, and 21 percent of statewide mobile source greenhouse gas emissions, while making up only 6 percent of all the vehicles on the road

The proposed Advanced Clean Fleets regulation would help reduce air pollution emissions that pose acute health risks to the local communities where heavy-duty trucks and other vehicles commonly operate and would help achieve CARB’s climate change emissions reduction goals.

The Board looks forward to hearing from all who are interested in the proposed Advanced Clean Fleets regulation. You can read more about this proposed regulation on the Advanced Clean Fleets program webpage, and you can find the latest changes to the proposal and a link to where you can comment on the regulatory documents webpage.  A summary of the newly proposed changes can be found in the 15-Day Notice. Also, check out the factsheets that summarize the regulation, and stay informed about upcoming events by subscribing to CARB’s ZEV Fleet GovDelivery email list. You can access the April 27-28, 2023, Board hearing by webcast or you can attend in person in Sacramento. Click here for more information about this or other Board hearings.