Towards Cleaner Air in Stockton: Part 3- water-related hazards

In Spring 2022, civil and environmental engineering students from UC Berkeley worked with community organizations within the Stockton AB 617 area to identify local air pollution sources and design mitigation strategies. This 4-part blog series highlights the student projects and resources to share with the community. 
Satellite image of the Mormon Slough during a harmful algal bloom, data from Planet Labs,

Part 3 focuses on water-related hazards in the Stockton AB 617 area. Check out these StoryMaps:
  • Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs): HABs can become airborne and lead to illness and even death; this team explored impacts of HABs on public health in housed and unhoused communities in Stockton and potential solutions.
  • Flooding and Stormwater Management: this report explores flooding risks near Van Buskirk Park and presents ideas on how to connect people back to local water bodies.
A link to all 12 projects can be found here. Look out for the 4th installment of this series which will cover short-lived climate pollutants!

The Mormon Slough in Stockton (Credit: Maureen Munoz)

If you missed Part 2, read it here.